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Small Chicken Coops

Choosing Small Chicken Coops Builder

Well if you are thinking of buying a small chicken coops, there are several things to consider. You have to choose chicken coops builder that are professional. Other than that, you have to consider these things too:
  1. Find chicken coop builder that specialize in wood, build wood from large buildings to small houses.
  2. Find chicken coop builder that offer the parts replacement warranty or reversal of the hen-house.
  3. Apart from wood specialists, find builder who love animals and having some experiences with chickens for years. So they know a little of what they do.
  4. Make sure they use wood that treated to endure abroad and non-toxic paints are used, so you can eat healthy eggs.

Small Chicken Coops Project

First of all I inform you that I am newbie in this world but with much fondness for fowl and look forward to becoming a chicken coop.

Small Chicken Coops

The intention is to get a corral, and I have more or less marked the area would be 6 meters long and 2 meters wide, within which I will make a concrete slab 2 x 2 meters for anchoring the coop picture.
The perimeter of the corral I intend to do with stakes 7 cm in diameter treated wood 250 cm long each cutting, digging about 50 cm on the mainland so that they are 2 meters tall. The entire perimeter (including where the stakes are nailed) leave with a concrete layer of about 10-15 cm deep by 10 cm wide and then a row this concrete block work, where I will seize welded mesh grids 2 cm, including the entire "roof" of the corral.

It is also possible as to strengthen putting some wood strip between stake and stake, including the "roof" mesh.

Thus hens can shelter, sleep and put in the chicken (photo) and have a corral of about 8 square meters to be aired, though the days can leave you out of the whole farm.

How do you see?

I accept all suggestions because as I have said I am totally novice but eager to see if we have improved this time around here and I mess to begin work.

Another thing I would not have said, the idea is to have about 5 or 6 hens comes home.
And another question that interests me and I appreciate your opinion is: how do you see the photo hen you did not think that can be "comfortable" and a good shelter for the hens?

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